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Bridekirk Dovenby CE Primary SchoolWork Together, Aim High, Shine Bright

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Bridekirk Dovenby CE Primary SchoolWork Together, Aim High, Shine Bright

A Reader is a Leader

Reading for pleasure is encouraged for every child at Bridekirk Dovenby School.

Pupils in year 6 are rewarded for excellence in their own reading goals. Meeting their challenging, short-term targets gives them some time to enhance the reading of children in Primary 1. They often work with a small group delivering a 'guided reading' style session or with individuals, listening to their home/school book. 

This week some year 6 pupils introduced Accelerated Reader to year 1 readers and explained how the online quizzes worked. 

Well done year 1 - you all passed the quiz on your first book and it won't be long before you are entering our millionaires' club alongside pupils from year 4 upwards.

Since September our year group word counts are:

Year 1 - 652

Year 2 - 1,834,500

Year 3 - 2,797,445

Year 4 - 7,501,183

Year 5 - 8,923,810

Year 6 - 15,157,905

and 7 children in school have each read over 1 million words!
