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Bridekirk Dovenby CE Primary SchoolWork Together, Aim High, Shine Bright

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Bridekirk Dovenby CE Primary SchoolWork Together, Aim High, Shine Bright

Remembrance Assembly

Remembrance Day Assembly


On Friday 10th November, we held a 2 minute silence to remember all those who served and lost their lives in the many wars that have taken place. 

We discovered at how the Royal British Legion has launched a new poppy for it's poppy appeal, plastic free, and looked back to see how the poppy has changed since the 1920's. 

The choir sang for us accompanied by Mr Wright on his violin... you can hear a recording of the song on the music section of the website or by clicking on the link...  Keep The Home Fires Burning

The reception children all made a poppy which they brought into assembly to show the other children and help them remember. 
