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Bridekirk Dovenby CE Primary SchoolWork Together, Aim High, Shine Bright

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Bridekirk Dovenby CE Primary SchoolWork Together, Aim High, Shine Bright

Medication in School

Sometimes children may need to take medication in school time.  Where possible, we do ask that when receiving prescriptions from doctors dosages are requested to avoid the school day. However, when this cannot be avoided, please can parents complete one of the attached forms below, before the medication comes in to school:


  1. Parental consent for school staff to administer medication to pupils; or
  2. Parental consent for pupil to carry and administer their own medication.


If your child has a long term medical condition then please contact Mrs. Beetham to arrange for a detailed Medical Plan to be drawn up for your child.  An example is attached below.






Medical Care Plan for long term medical conditions e.g. asthma, diabetes, anaphalaxis

Public Health England - Guidance on Infection Control in Schools
