Computers Across the Curriculum
At Bridekirk Dovenby School, computers and tablets are used to support and enhance teaching and learning. The children, from Y1-Y6 all have an Accelerated Reader log in and from February 2022 the pupils from Y1 - Y6 have a Freckle account. Other programmes, such as Spelling Frame, Prodigy Maths,, Reading Eggs and Read Theory are also used to enhance learning and offer practice that has been planned at the optimum level for each pupil.
All children in school have an account on Purple Mash and, on occasions, the children will use Purple Mash to support the embedding of ICT across the curriculum and practise skills they have learnt in maths and English. During periods of home learning, children may be assigned a series of lessons from Purple Mash to explore and enhance their knowledge.