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Bridekirk Dovenby CE Primary SchoolWork Together, Aim High, Shine Bright

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Bridekirk Dovenby CE Primary SchoolWork Together, Aim High, Shine Bright


Overview - How it all fits together!

Code for the chart above

Whole School Computing Plan (Year 1 - Year 6) 2024-25

Whole School Computing (Year 1 - Year 6) 2023-24

Computing Action Plan 2022 - 2023

Whole School Computing (Year1 -Year 6) 2022-23

Whole School Planning (Year 1 -Year 6) 2021-22

Computers Across the Curriculum

At Bridekirk Dovenby School, computers and tablets are used to support and enhance teaching and learning. The children, from Y1-Y6 all have an Accelerated Reader log in and from February 2022 the pupils from Y1 - Y6 have a Freckle account. Other programmes, such as Spelling Frame, Prodigy Maths,, Reading Eggs and Read Theory are also used to enhance learning and offer practice that has been planned at the optimum level for each pupil.

All children in school have an account on Purple Mash and, on occasions, the children will use Purple Mash to support the embedding of ICT across the curriculum and practise skills they have learnt in maths and English.  During periods of home learning, children may be assigned a series of lessons from Purple Mash to explore and enhance their knowledge.

Primary 4 using coding to programme Microbits to record environment data- 27.02.24

EYFS - Technology Around Us (Lesson 1)

EYFS - Technology All Around Us

EYFS - Computational Thinking. Developing abstraction, tinkering, creating and collaborating.

Code - a - pillar - Introduction to Programming in EYFS

Lesson 1 - Scratch Junior in Key Stage 1

Lesson 2 - Introduction to Algorithms in Key Stage 1

Spring 2 -: Programming a Moving Robot

Lesson 1 - Scratch in Key Stage 2 - Using Loops to Create Shapes

Lesson 2- Repetition in Games (Different Loops)

Lesson 3 -Animating Our Names

Animating our names

Still image for this video

Changing Digital Images and Evaluating the Effects - Year 3

Researching and Designing Websites - Year 6

Teacher Training September 2022 - Since we re-designed the computing curriculum at the beginning of this year, the teachers have been attending Zoom meetings to learn how to deliver the different units.

Using code to program a robot complete challenges!
