Year One
material - wood, plastic, glass, metal, water, rock properties - hard/soft stretchy/stiff | shiny/dull rough/smooth bendy/not bendy waterproof/not waterproof absorbent/not absorbent | brick paper fabrics elastic foil |
Year Two
wood, metal, plastic, glass, brick, rock, paper, cardboard squashing, bending, twisting, stretching | metal - coins, cans, cars, table legs wood - matches, floors, telegraph poles | spoons - plastic, wood, metal but not glass John Dunlop - rubber Charles Macintosh - waterproof |
Year Three
appearance physical properties properties - hard/soft | shiny/dull rough/smooth absorbent/not absorbent fossils - sedimentary rock | soils - rock, organic matter uses - buildings, grave stones grains crystals |
Year Four |
solid - iron, ice melt freeze liquid evaporate condense gas container | changing state - chocolate, butter, cream, heated heat cooled cool degrees Celsius (°C) thermometer | water cycle - evaporate, evaporation, condense condensation Temperature - melting, melt ice - warm/cool water - warm/cool water vapour |
Year Five
properties - hardness, solubility, transparency, conductive (electrical and thermal), response to magnets
dissolve - liquid, solution
solids, liquids, gases - filtering, sieving, evaporating
reversible changes - dissolving, mixing, evaporation, filtering, sieving, melting,
irreversible - new material, burning, rusting
magnetism (y3)
electricity (y4)
Chemists - Spencer Silver, Ruth Benerito
quantitative measurements - conductivity, insulation