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Bridekirk Dovenby CE Primary SchoolWork Together, Aim High, Shine Bright

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Bridekirk Dovenby CE Primary SchoolWork Together, Aim High, Shine Bright

Primary One

I am Special

Our first Questful RE topic this year was all about us and how we are all special and unique in our own way.  We mixed colours to paint a handprint, and then printed out finger prints and talked about how no-one has the same finger print as anyone else.

We listened to the story of Clever Cub and the case of the worries.  We thought about what we can do if we are worried and who we can talk to.


Harvest time gave us lots of time to give thanks to God for all that we have.  In Reception we talked about our favourite foods and where they come from around the world.  We enjoyed a visit from Timmy Tuna and Stuart from the Cockermouth Food Bank.  Lots of us donated food to help people who are struggling at the moment.

We all enjoyed our first Harvest Service at St Bridget’s Church in Bridekirk, where we sang our song called ‘Under the Harvest Moon’.


During this unit we have been talking about birthdays and how we all feel special on our birthday.  We shared how we all celebrate our birthdays and recorded it in our floor book.  We talked about Jesus and how it is his birthday on Christmas Day but sometimes that gets forgotten.  
We have been busy preparing for Jesus’ birthday with our Nativity scene and making advent candles for our worship table.  
Our Travelling Nativity bag is going home with one person each night to share the story of the first Christmas with our families.


Our Class advent calendar is a little different. Each day we choose a name at random and there is an act of kindness for us to try and carry out.  It has been lovely so far.
