Here at Bridekirk, early reading is taught through the Read, Write, Inc. programme (RWI). We began our journey with the Government approved scheme, two years ago and our whole staff have been trained to use this fantastic scheme.
Children start on their early reading as soon as they enter Reception and follow the structured scheme through to completion in Key Stage 1. The aim is for children to learn the phonics sounds they need quickly so that they can move onto reading stories and focus on their comprehension and enjoyment of the stories. Writing is taught alongside the reading which is an integral part of each lesson.
Pupils are assessed on a termly basis using the RWI online assessments, this ensures that all pupils are in the correct groups and allows the Reading Leader, teachers and SL team to monitor pupil progress.
Staff who use RWI in their classroom have all completed training for both Speed Sounds and Storybook lessons. A Lead Teacher supports the development of the scheme; observing sessions, offering guidance and creating clear next steps for the scheme at Bridekirk.
We continue to work alongside a Read Write Inc consultant and regularly access the training videos to ensure our skills are kept up to date.
Children are also able to access the Virtual Classroom via links sent home on Seesaw our home learning platform.