The ‘Music Curriculum’ is implemented in a variety of ways at Bridekirk Dovenby School;
Charanga Schemes of Work
Each week, music is timetabled in every year group and the children receive a lesson delivered by the class teacher. The original Charanga scheme of work allows non-specialist teachers to confidently teach music. They follow the scheme and adapt it to the needs of their individual children. Planning is annotated by teachers to show the teaching and learning opportunities that have been met. Teachers check pupils’ understandings and identify any misconceptions or areas where consolidation is The subject leader works with the class teachers to ensure that the curriculum is being covered and that end points are reached.
Assessment for Learning (AFL) takes place in all lessons and teachers aim to provide direct feedback whenever possible. This assessment then feeds into the planning of the next lesson.
Specialist Whole Class Teaching
For two terms a year, a specialist music teacher supports whole school music teaching. Mrs Wright spends a term in KS1 and a term in KS2 (45 mins in each class). During these lessons, she teaches using the English Model Music Curriculum Scheme that is new to Charanga.
As part of the model music curriculum, pupils learn about the great composers of the world and develop their knowledge and skills in reading and writing music. They are taught about a range of genres and styles covering historically-important composers such as Vivaldi and Scott Joplin, they study world renowned pieces like Puccini’s Nessun Dorma, and children are introduced to instruments and singing from Year 1.
Having a specialist teacher to implement these more formal elements of the music curriculum supports non-
specialist class teachers who are present during these lessons as well as providing them with essential CPD / modelling.
First Access Staccato
Whole Class Instrumental Teaching for pupils in P3
This year P3 are being given the opportunity to receive weekly sessions of 45 minutes, delivered by a specialist music tutor for one academic term (ten sessions minimum, twelve maximum). Each child is provided with a recorder for the term which they can take home. At the end of the term they perform for the rest of the school and parents. The class teacher is then provided with CPD to deliver another two-terms of tuition through a specialist supported self-delivery model.
Instrumental Tuition
Currently, we offer small group / 1:1 lessons in guitar, woodwind and brass. These are delivered by teachers from the music service who are paid for by school in blocks of 30 mins per week.
We have three guitar groups, two woodwind groups and one brass.
Within these groups there is an opportunity to take exams, join local ensemble groups and perform within and outside of school.
Unfortunately our recorder teacher has not been able to return since Covid, so we are currently working with her and another member of staff to deliver Recorder Tuition to yr3/4 via Zoom or outside.
Mrs McConkey is a member of a recorder ensemble and her group ‘Piping Hot’ visit school and play for the children as well as include them in music festivals and assemblies. In the past, members of the school recorder group have joined her ensemble. We also put on a recorder concert with another local primary school where the children practice the same pieces together in preparation.
Enrichment Opportunities
All children are included and encouraged to take part in a variety of enrichment activities throughout the year. These help to embed the class teaching and provide wider experiences as well as introduce children to Cultural Capital relating to music.
Tailored Musical Activities (to support emotional wellbeing / nurture)
The DfE states that a high-quality music education can improve self-confidence, behaviour, social skills and academic achievement across the curriculum, as well as strengthening relationships, community spirit and creativity.
Our Music Makers Sessions include:
With this group of children we work a lot on social skills such as taking turns, listening and communicating nicely with each other. We also have to work a lot on expressing ourselves in appropriate ways and we are encouraging children to look at expressing simple feelings through musical instruments. Exploring which instruments, rhythms, volume best describes happy, sad, angry, excited. In the past we have used a giant keyboard and a cello; children really enjoyed feeling the vibrations of the base notes on the cello.
Where children have severe SEND, Charanga provide a specialist curriculum ‘Anyone Can Play’, that can be accessed by non-specialist teachers and teaching assistants. Charanga also provides a series of projects called CREATE specifically designed to provide SEND pupils with the tools to compose, perform and record high-quality music in styles relevant to them. It is universally accessible, instantly engaging and lots of fun. iPads are used throughout the project - they allow you to ‘fit the instrument to the pupil’ rather than ‘the pupil to the
Charanga provides signed songs for those who require this; these are available within the main scheme and within the Freestyle Area. At Bridekirk, we include Makaton in much of our teaching, especially in KS1, so these songs are used as part of the music curriculum.
Teachers receive support and CPD from the subject leader as well as enrolling on their own training using the National College. Staff meetings are also used to keep staff up to date and ensure there are no gaps in knowledge… for example this year staff are receiving training on the use of Soundtrap and Audacity to support creating and recording children’s compositions.
The music subject lead attends music hub meetings where she is kept up-to- date with the teaching of music within the local area and further afield. These meetings also provide details of local projects / opportunities taking place. There are also links being developed with the local secondary school so that support and knowledge can be disseminated.