Thanks to CCC for providing a grant so that we could purchase these road safety educational items.
At the beginning and end of the school day, the area outside the school gate is extremely congested and we are fearful that an accident may occur if we do not adopt safe parking/driving practices. Please read the documents below to familiarise yourself with safer driving and parking behaviours.
When dropping off your child in the morning, please do not leave cars in a place which will prevent school buses pulling alongside and parking close to the gate.
Please also ensure you do not block the emergency vehicle access gate on the Tallentire Road.
When collecting your child at the end of the day, would you please come INSIDE the gate and stay within the waiting area on the yard, especially if you have a younger sibling.
I have been asked to request that parent cars and school buses no longer turn at the end of the lane and that, should the road surface deteriorate, school will be billed for tarmac replacement. A further suggestion is that a gate may be erected to stop the erosion of the road.
Traffic Enforcement Officers will carry out spot checks to support our STAFF and GOVERNORS in adopting safe practices. School can not be held responsible for any tickets or fines that are issued. THE SAFETY OF OUR CHILDREN IS PARAMOUNT.
Could you please come onto the yard to collect your child and keep younger children close. Do not use the play equipment when school is open and please leave the playground as quickly as possible once you have collected your child. School is open until 5.30pm
Thank you
Mrs Fish (Headteacher)
Mrs Hodgson (Chair of Governors)