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Bridekirk Dovenby CE Primary SchoolWork Together, Aim High, Shine Bright

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Bridekirk Dovenby CE Primary SchoolWork Together, Aim High, Shine Bright

Early Years

Science at Bridekirk Dovenby starts right from when they begin their learning journey in Primary One, where they are given the opportunity to observe the world around them, experiment with cause and effect, conduct investigations and answer questions about them. Early years is crucial in Bridekirk for applying the foundations of scientific discovery and how to ask and answer questions about the world around them.


Our Early Years curriculum is designed to have 8 different development and learning pathways. This is what the children learn in science in the EYFS curriculum at Bridekirk Dovenby: 

EYFS Goal 3: Care


3rd Mile Stone

Children can make healthy choices about food, drink, activity and tooth cleaning.


Final Mile Stone

Children know and talk about the different factors that support their overall health and wellbeing:

-regular physical activity

-healthy eating

-sensible amounts of ‘screen-time’

-having a good sleep routine

-being a safe pedestrian.

EYFS Goal 4: Adventure


First Milestone

Children will understand a question or instruction that has two parts

Children can talk about events from the past, linking to an adventure they have previously been on.


Second Milestone

Children will talk about what they like about their immediate environment and how environments might vary from one another. 

Children will explore the natural world around them in the Orchard Area.

Children will talk about what they see using a growing vocabulary.

Children will begin to understand the need to respect and care for the natural environment and living things.

Children can describe themselves, other objects and landmarks using relative positions (next to, in front of etc). 

Children understand ‘why’ questions.


Third Milestone

Children can name some UK based animals and food. 

Children understand the effect of changing seasons on the environment around them. 

Children are happy to have a go at a task and understand that we learn from mistakes.

Children ask questions to find out more and to check they understand what has been said to them.


Final Milestone

Children will talk about the local environment using geographical vocabulary~: village, farm, house, shop, church. 

Children will use geographical language when looking at physical features of different landscapes. Forest, beach, soil, hill, mountain and weather. 

Children will understand what maps can be used for and why people use them. 

Children will follow a simple map, as a group, to help find objects, features around school. 

Children will record what they see in the natural world around them through drawing and diagrams.

Children understand what they can do to help the environment. 

Children show resilience and perseverance in the face of a challenge.


Children can confidently talk in small group and class situations.

Children can describe events in some detail.

Children will use talk to help work out problems and organise thinking and activities.

Children can explain how things work and why they might happen.

Children will articulate their ideas and thoughts in well-formed sentences.

EYFS Goal 8: Investigate


First Milestone

Children will explore how things work.

Children will talk about what they notice about the weather on a daily basis and how this impacts upon them. 

Children will describe what they see, hear and feel whilst outside.

Children will discuss that certain animals live in woodland/forests in UK.  

Children will recognise and name some common woodland animals: hedgehog, squirrel, rabbit, fox, and badger. 


Second Milestone

Children will talk about what they like about their immediate environment and how environments might vary from one another.

Children will explore the natural world around them in the Orchard Area.


Children will talk about what they see using a growing vocabulary.

Children will begin to understand the need to respect and care for the natural environment and living things. 

Children will explore and talk about different forces they can feel. 

Children will talk about the differences between materials and changes they notice. 

Children will know that certain materials can be hard, soft, solid etc. 

Children will explore why some materials are more suited to different functions. 


Third Milestone

Children will recognise that different plants and animals grow in different parts of the world. 

Children can name some UK based animals and food. 

Children can recognise and name some common Polar and African animals.

Children understand and talk about parts of the world being hotter or colder.

Children will identify that certain UK animals live in specific habitats/environments. 

Children will understand how certain animals grow and correctly sequence growth patters or life cycles. 

Children understand the effect of changing seasons on the environment around them. 


Final Milestone

Children will record what they see in the natural world around them through drawing and diagrams.

Children will know that a plant is a living thing. 

Children can recognise and name parts of a plant. 

Children begin to understand how to look after plants. 

Children understand how certain plants grow and correctly sequence growth sequences. 

Children notice and talk about the changes that happen to plants as they grow. 

Children understand what they can do to help the environment. 

Children will begin to understand what impact humans have had on animals and their environments. 



Click here for more information on our Early Years Pathways: EYFS
