Each year a MIDAS evaluation report is undertaken (Music Improvement Development & Support) and an action plan produced. The music hub then supports the school in meeting these developments and improvements. This document can be found on the school website along with a letter of commendation relating to the most recent visit.
MIDAS 2022
The music curriculum goes beyond the national expectation. All pupils are offered the opportunity to develop their musical skills through a progressive curriculum and experience a challenging range of creative musical activities. The school is aware of the new Model Music Curriculum and the National Plan for Music Education and is engaging with these. Music lessons offer a practical approach in which;
All pupils are participating in and are exposed to a wide range of performance opportunities External links are enhanced by pupils regularly attending regional, community and Hub musical activities. Music plays an important role in school life, and as a result the subject makes a strong contribution to pupils’ cultural capital.
There is evidence of the impact of self-evaluation on music provision designed to meet the needs and interests of all groups of pupils. Resources are used well and offer good value for money.
The music co-ordinator is the Headteacher and is able to ensure a strong vision of the importance of music for all. Staff make use of training opportunities and good practise in music is shared with colleagues.
Assessment and Recording
Assessment in Music is currently an area for development within school. The subject leader is working with staff to set up assessments within FFT Aspire Pupil Tracking - Curriculum Tracker. This will allow the class teacher and the subject leader to track progress and identify areas of strength and weakness both for individual pupils and for the school as a whole. We assess children’s work in music by making informal judgements as we observe them during lessons and by talking to the specialist teachers who work with them. On completion of a unit of work, we make a summary judgement about whether children are working at, above or below the expected level and keep a record of these judgements. We use the assessments provided by the Charanga units as these link explicitly to the content being taught and reduce unnecessary teacher workload.
Music reports are prepared annually for those who are taught by peripatetic teachers in school. Parents and school receive a copy of these reports which are also fed into the child’s main school report.
Evidence of assessment is present but it is ad hoc and lacks formal recording. It occurs infrequently during the school year. (Current)
The school is aware of pupil’s previous musical interests and experiences, and pupils’ starting points are clearly defined.
Visiting teachers keep accurate records of pupil attendance and progress (working towards)