This week author, Alex Mullarky, visited our school and she led a workshop for the children in Primary 4. Her book, The Sky Beneath the Stone, is one of the books suggested for the 2023 Reading Challenge which the children can sign up for by logging on to: First they set a reading goal and log your books on your profile. When they reach their goal, they will unlock a virtual badge and certificate. The Ready, Set, Read! Book Collection has been specially chosen just for you by an expert group of readers for the Summer Reading Challenge.
It is jam-packed with fun imaginative books to keep you active, get rewards, play games and earn badges as you discover awesome books to read.
Alex explained the process of having a book published from the initial notes on paper to the final, illustrated book on the shelf. She also guided the children through a writing task - helping them with descriptive language amongst other skills used when writing a book. Many children purchased a copy of Alex's book and enjoyed having it signed by her. Thank you Alex.