Year Five were accompanied by Mrs Fish to Cockermouth School for a feeder schools 'Arts Day'.
The children began the day block printing in the art department. They created some beautiful floral designs which were intricate and detailed.
This was followed by a Samba Workshop in the music department. The children enjoyed keeping the beat to a variety of rhythms. They learnt the names and values of new notes and had to hold a beat whilst another group played something different. Playing instruments that were different from those available in school provoked intrigue, energy and excitement.
Finally, the drama department inspired an artistic movement / dance piece. The pupils worked together in smaller groups to express themselves in a choreographed dance to a song from the Lion King. Animal masks helped them play the part and bring the music to life.
We are very grateful to the arts department at Cockermouth School for putting the day together - even lunch in the secondary school dining room was a success!
Following this, the afternoon was spent hearing from local businesses about their varied careers. Primary Business Partnership arranged this half of the day which was also a great success. Please click on the link to view what the children had to say about this event!
Cockermouth Cluster of Primary Schools Careers Fair (